Vulkan Computing for Mobile
by Bongjun Lee
Vulkan Resource
Vulkan Basic
- Vulkan Tutorial(github)[901⭐] - Very good resource for Vulkan beginner. Easy and detail description about Vulkan.
- Mike Bailey’s Vulkan Page - Well-made lecture notes and extensive Vulakn training materials.
- Google Android Vulkan Tutorials[386⭐] - Very simple Android-friendly step-by-step Vulkan tutorial.
- LunarG Vulkan Samples[726⭐] - Step by step Vulkan tutorials and various examples using android ndk.
- Vulkan C++ examples and demos[3652⭐] - Various Vulkan C++ examples and demos including compute shader.
- Vulkan Resources[481⭐] - KhronosGroup’s Official Resources Guidance
Vulkan Compute
- Vulkan Minimal Compute[453⭐] - Single source Vulkan compute pipeline example.
- Vulkan compute for people [82⭐] - Well abstracted Vulcan-based GPGPU computing framework.
- Vulkan Compute for C++ (experimentation project)[86⭐] - Very abstracted GPGPU engine based on Vulkan.
Projects using Vulkan Compute Pipeline
- OpenCV Vulakn Base Backend[32,354⭐] - Very good reference how to use vulkan computing pipeline for deep neural network.
- Tencent Ncnn Vulkan Backend[5,692⭐] - Tencent also tries to apply Vulcan compute pipeline to their deep natural network framework.
- Vulkan 및 Vulkan Computing에 대한 간단한 설명
- Android에서 Vulkan Computing을 이용하는 샘플앱 설명
- Android에서 Vulkan Computing 벤치마크 (vs CPU and OpenCL)
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